We launch and support campaigns, cultural interventions, coalitions, and narrative labs to foster collaboration and coordination across the Collective and broader Black, Indigenous, and transformative social justice movements and cultural ecosystems. 

Current Coalitions, Campaigns, and Narrative Labs

New Yorkers for Reparations: New Yorkers for Reparations is a statewide coalition launched in December 2023 to create a statewide movement of people who are politically educated about reparations and advocate for the passage of reparations policy. BLIS, alongside other national and local partners, is one of the stewards of the coalition. 

Health Equity Narrative Lab: The Health Equity Narrative Lab is a collaborative space consisting of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation staff and health equity experts from across the country designed to create a narrative schematic to identify the deep and core narratives, messages, and stories needed to shift the mental models standing in the way of transformative change. BLIS is convening the Lab on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support the creation of a new narrative environment – one where the majority of people in the United States are actively working to pave the way together to a future where health is no longer a privilege, but a right.

Earn the Black Vote: The BLIS Collective is supporting the communication and narrative strategy of the national campaign, Earn the Black Vote, whose mission is to utilize the voting power of the Black electorate to persuade President Biden to create a national Reparations Commission via Executive Order.